Greygum Software 应用

Fitzroy 1-10 1.3
The Fitzroy Readers is a set of graded bookswhich employ the Fitzroy Method - a phonic approach to readingdeveloped over the last 3 decades.The first Reader, A Fat Cat, uses only 13 letters. This makes iteasy for small children to start reading without delay.The first five Readers each teach one basic vowel sound: a, e,i, o and u. Repeated often, these vowels and many consonants becomecompletely memorable.Within Readers 1-10, special words like I, have, to, go, for…are introduced – one or two with each Reader. Children quicklylearn to read simple-sounding words wherever they see them.Reader 9 teaches the first digraph, oo as in roof. Digraphsenable children, without further teaching, to sound out wholefamilies of words – including many they have never seen before.By Reader 10, children are already reading simple sentences withfluency.There are several sounding-out options available. All speech ishigh-quality recording. The interface is designed for young fingersand can be used by the student alone or with a tutor.
Fitzroy 11-20 2.3
Readers 11-20 systematically introduce manynew digraphs (e.g sh and er). Used together with the basic lettersounds (a for apple, b for bat etc.), they enable students toeffortlessly decode large numbers of words.Readers 11-20 keep things simple and introduce only one newdigraph (e.g. sh) per reader. This makes for sure and steadyprogress.Here we introduce the first 3-letter digraph (all). As usual, toaid memory it is used many times throughout the Reader.Some single-letter new sounds like y as in by or e as in he arealso taught. This helps children read many common words.All new sounds (e.g. ar as in Mars) and special words (likespace) are learned in the context of a story. This makes them easyto remember.
Fitzroy 41-50 3.2
Greygum Software
Literacy for early readers using phonics
Fitzroy 11X-20X 3.4
Greygum Software
Literacy for early readers using phonics
Fitzroy 21-30 2.6
Greygum Software
Readers 21-30 continue to build step-by-steponthe information learnt in Readers 1-20. Every Reader isonlyslightly more advanced than the one before it, meaning yourstudentwill be able to cope with the new material. In this way,progressis smooth, steady and free of anxiety.Reader 21 teaches the new sound ch. As usual, we use itmanytimes throughout the story to make it more memorable: e.g.chop,chin and lunch.Notice how the Readers gradually grow in complexity. Bythisstage, children are already starting to read withconfidence.
Fitzroy 1X-10X 3.0
Greygum Software
Readers 1X-10X are 10 new stories, set atthebeginner level (as 1-10). These were requested by teacherstoprovide children with more practice on simple sounding wordsbeforemoving on to the next level (11-20) with its manydigraphs.Without introducing any new spelling principles, the Readers1X-10Xprovide more long words which can be simply soundedout.There are hardly any new special words in the 1X-10X series.Thebasic principles of sounding out are consolidated withmoresounding words and longer sounding words.
Fitzroy 31-40 2.9
Greygum Software
Literacy for early readers using phonics